At TAG Bookkeeping & Accounting you are not just getting the service of a Bookkeeper, you are getting an Accountant too. Our Bookkeepers have access to our Accountant 24/7 to answer any questions they or you have. This is part of our service and is included in our Bookkeeping rates. Our Accountant is also available to discuss matters such as business structure and tax issues at very competitive rates.

• With a fully qualified Accountant and Registered Tax and ASIC agent, TAG Bookkeeping & Accounting can provide a one stop shop for all your accounting needs. Because our bookkeepers work closely with the Accountant, your books are completed to accounting standards ready for tax time. For those clients who chose to use us for Tax returns, we just give the accountant your bookkeeping file and they are able to prepare your return. If the Accountant has any questions they are able to ask the bookkeeper directly saving you time and money. We can also prepare full financial statements.

• We are able provide our own computers, software and office space so that you don’t have to – we take care of all updates, keeping our technology current and leaving you to use the extra space to activities that make you money, not overheads. However, if you prefer we can also perform the work onsite at your office if you wish.

• We act in your name and are available for your customers, suppliers and employees to direct questions to – it’s just like we’re an extension of your business.

• We can provide you with weekly, monthly and quarterly reports – so you can track how your business is performing .